This article will teach you the easiest way on how to root your Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7. First a little background. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 was released recently in the market, and it is one of the popular tabs to come out recently. I’m pretty sure you would want to Root your Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 to enjoy and reek the benefits of gaining full access.

WARNING: Rooting your Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 is risky and I will not be responsible or liable for any damages or if your Galaxy Tab 7.7 end up coming a brick. Root your Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 at your own risk!
Must Read Article -> The Android Rooting Guide: Things You Need to Know
Before you proceed in rooting your Galaxy Tab 7.7, you will need to download two files.
1. You need to download on XDA here
2. You also need to have the latest Samsung Kies Drivers, which you can download here. After you have downloaded kies, install it in your computer.
After you have downloaded these files, let us now proceed to rooting your Galaxy Tab 7.7
How to Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7
1. Copy the to your Galaxy Tab’s sdcard.
2. Turn off your device
3. Turn on your device by pressing Volume + and Power Button at the same time until the logo appears. This will boot your Galaxy Tab 7.7 into recovery mode.
4. In recovery menu, choose “Install update from External Storage”.
5. After that, look for and press the power button to select it.
6. Wait until the process if finished. After it has completed, Reboot your device (if it did not reboot automatically).
7. Look for the Superuser app in your applications. If it is not present, download it in the Android Market.
8. That’s it, your Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 is now rooted!
It’s that simple, this is the easiest way on how to root Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 I could find.
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