How to Jailbreak iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.3: Leaked!

iPad 2 Jailbreak for iOS 4.3 Leaked

UPDATE: This post has already been updated. Jailbreak for iPad 2 4.3.3 is now available. Check it here.

Some beta tester leaked how you can Jailbreak your iPad 2 with iOS 4.3 through a video using a web-based Jailbreak method. This method is the easiest method out there yet.


Comex, author of JailbreakMe, was developing a fully untethered Jailbreak iPad 2 for iOS 4.3 and iOS 4.3.3. Unfortunately for Comex, some private beta testers leaked it.

ipad 2 jailbreak

So How to Jailbreak your iPad2 with iOS 4.3 and 4.3.3 using the leaked info? Here’s how…
To Jailbreak iPad 2 you will be needing an iPad that has a iOS 4.3 or 4.3.3 and an internet connection for your iPad 2.

1. Open Safari on your iPad 2 and navigate to the URL mentioned in the video below.
2. Open the download link and your Safari will crash. That’s part of the process and it’s normal. After that you will see Cydia updating itseld as indicated by the progress bar.
3. Once the Cydia icons disappears, meaning it is completed, it’s time to reboot your device.
4. Your iPad 2 will be Jailbroken after you have rebooted your iPad 2.

Watch this video on how to Jailbreak iPad 2 with the leaked Jailbreaker:

Important Reminders: Let me remind you that this is a beta version only and on top of it, it’s a leaked jailbreak. Comex has not yet released a full version of the Jailbreak for iPad 2 iOS 4.3. Although reports were saying that the leaked Jailbreak actually worked, we still do not recommend you to try this. Try it at your own risk!

Source: Redmondpie

UPDATE: Unfortunately all the links to the PDF files were taken down. You will have to wait for the official release from COMEX.

Message from Comex: If you want to Jailbreak your iPad 2 in the future, back up your SHSH blobs with TinyUmbrella. Apple will release IOS 4.3.4, which will patch the Jailbreak iPad 2 exploit.

TRY THIS:If you want to know how you can unlock or Jailbreak your iPod Touch, iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 4, iOS 4.3 you can try this Unlocker.
You may also want to check this one out iPad 2 Unlocker.
