Naruto Chapter 627 is now released! up next. Hashirama’s story is finished and we saw what really happened between Hashirama and Madara. Hashirama used a Wood Bunshin to trick Madara and pierced Madara from his back. As far as Hashirama knows, Madara is dead. But how did Madara survive? And after hearing the story from Hashirama, what will be Sasuke’s reaction and answer? Find out in Naruto chapter 627.
UPDATE: See my review here – Naruto 627 Review
UPDATE: Naruto 627 manga chapter is now released. This chapter is entitled Sasuke’s Answer.
UPDATE: Naruto chapter 627 is just around the corner. You might be wondering why is it not out yet or if they are on a week break. So far I’ve check and there are no announcements. Perhaps the chapter was just delayed. Stay tuned! I’ll update this post once the chapter is released.
Image credit: Original artist Masashi Kishimoto, colored by Deviant artist IITheYahikoDarkII
Naruto Chapter 627 Prediction
Hashirama and Madara’s friendship didn’t last long. Unfortunately Madara turned evil and decided to fight and attack the village that he and Hashirama build. One reason is that Madara saw something, he knew that Hashirama’s so-called village is not perfect, and one day the people of that village will do something evil too. Madara was right, and Sasuke’s brother, Itachi, had to suffer and shoulder the darkness of the village.
Madara’s plan, the Eye of the Moon, is like another version of their “Dream”. Hashirama desired to bring the people closer despite their differences. Madara is also trying to achieve the same goal, only that the method is very different. After reading the previous chapter, you might be wondering how did Madara survive? Perhaps, Madara used a clone technique to to trick Hashirama or he used some technique so that he would still survived even if his body gets critical damage.
Now that Hashirama has finished telling the history of the village, what will Sasuke do? What path will he choose? I think Sasuke somehow understand what Hashirama was trying to tell him. On the last page of the chapter, Sasuke’s face was calm and his eyes returned to normal. This might be a good sign that somehow Hashirama was able to answer Sasuke’s question. But we still can’t conclude that yet.
Sasuke is very unpredictable and he is still filled with hatred. Just like Madara, Sasuke hates the village as well and plans on destroying it. If Sasuke got Hashirama’s point, he might help them fight and stop Madara and Obito. After all, only Hashirama has the right power to stop Madara. If ever the four first Hokage would go out and join the battle, I’m sure that would be an epic battle and a chapter worth waiting for.
Naruto 627 Spoiler
Naruto 627 spoiler will be posted in this section, if ever a confirmed Naruto chapter 627 spoiler is leaked. I would very much appreciate it if you were able to find one and share it down in the comment section.
I’ll update this post once Naruto 627 spoiler is found, and when Naruto chapter 627 is released. Stay tuned!
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