The much awaited PlayStation Vita or PS Vita is rumored to released this October 28, 2011
An IGN reader sent IGN an advertisement from Blockbuster in UK showing the release date of PS Vita (Wi-Fi only) and PS Vita (3G and Wi-Fi). As seen in the image below, PlayStation Vita will be released on October 28.
However, this ad is still not confirmed weather it’s true or not. If it were, PS Vita might be released in some regions earlier than expected.
The price indicated in the Blockbuter UK ad is slightly cheaper are compared to the originally announced PlayStation Vita price here.
IGN contacted Sony for comment regarding the leaked released date of PlayStation Vita. Sony, however, confirmed that PS Vita would have a “phased global release” this holiday season. The line “phased global release” from Sony is somewhat vague. Sony did not mentioned how this “phased global release” would occur.
Well, let’s just hope that PlayStation Vita would be release on or before Christmas season. This will be a one heck of a gift for gamers this Christmas.
All I want for Christmas is a PlayStation Vita indeed! ^_^
Source: PSP.IGN
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