Unlocking GodMode in Windows 8 is as easy as unlocking God Mode in the previous versions of Windows OS like Windows 7. I know that at the time of this post, Window 8 is still not fully available in the market. Yet Microsoft already released beta versions for us to get a glimpse of the upcoming Windows 8.

What are the benefits of unlocking GodMode in Windows 8?
There are lots of benefits, including full control and better manageability of the system. Unlocking GodMode will grant you access to settings that are not usually or readily available to a typical user. Unlocking the God Mode in Windows 8 will place everything you need to access in just one folder. God Mode is simply a shortcut folder, but a very useful and convenient shortcut. Below are the steps on how to unlock GodMode in Windows 8
How to Unlock GodMode in Windows 8
1. To create or unlock the God Mode simply go to your desktop
2. Right click on your desktop and right click anywhere
3. Choose create new folder
4. Rename the folder to: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
5. When you hit the Enter key, the icon will change like the one you see below.
6. That’s it! You have successfully create the God Mode folder in Windows 8
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