Welcome to the Life of a PC Enthusiast and Anime Fanatic version 2.0. Finally, at long last, I have setup my own whatswithjeff.com site. I was having difficulty managing and updating the Life of PC Enthusiast and Anime Fanatic from whatswithjeff.0fees.net which was hosted for free.
In the pursuit to continue my blogging career and to share my knowledge related to computers, Anime and other topics, I have decided to put up a .com for “whatswithjeff”. Thus Life of a PC Enthusiast and Anime Fanatic v2.0 was born.
Like my previous blog, this will also focus more on computers, gadgets, technology, anime, and other topics which I find interesting. Mostly under the “entertainment” category. While my other blog PeterPaulCarimdotCom will focus more on business, entrepreneurship, make money online, web development, current events and stuff related to the intricacies of the internet.
To Anime Lovers, Gamers, PC Enthusiast this site is for you. So be sure to subscribe to my newsletter, RSS Feeds and Twitter and other stuff I could think of to connect to my readers. Hoorah!
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