Shocking Meaning Behind Hitman’s Agent 47 Barcode

I’m sure you already know who Agent 47 is from the popular game and movie Hitman right? But did you really know what is the meaning of the tattooed barcode behind his head? Is it really an Agent code? or Product code perhaps?


We all know every bar code has an equivalent value or meaning. It could be an item number or a series number. Barcodes are representation of data, which shows data about the object to which it attaches.

Well you will be shock on what I am about to show you, this might be the “real” and “true meaning” of the barcode behind Agent 47′s head. Did you really think that it’s Agent 47′s personal code as a Hitman?

I will not spoil the meaning and I will let you find it for yourself. So here is what you are going to do:

1. Download or save the inverter barcode image below. The white background with black strips. Just click on it and it will open in a new window. Save the image.

2. If you have an Barcode App for your smartphones you can use that. If you are using a PC, goto and upload the image there.

3. Get the product code and go to Amazon and paste the code at Amazon’s search bar and hit Go or enter on your keyboard.

4. By this time, you will be able to see what the code really means!

Oh if you’re lazy enough to go through the hassle, you can go to the source of this article: Scanning the barcode from the new Hitman trailer with RedLaser reveals…

But I would suggest you try it for yourself.



4 responses to “Shocking Meaning Behind Hitman’s Agent 47 Barcode”

  1. Fag Fag Avatar

    could not find barcode in image, fucking idiots.

  2. Leo Parks Avatar

    Doesn’t work, thanks so much.

  3. time bandit Avatar
    time bandit

    scan the barcode and it takes you to a website to buy a barcode tattoo….

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