Bleach 514 was recently released and it revealed some shocking revelation about Ichigo and his real identity. Just a warning though, this article have details (or spoilers) is you haven’t read the chapter yet. If you don’t want to get spoiled I suggest you read Bleach 514 first before proceeding with this discussion.
UPDATE: Must see! Ichigo’s Real Identity Revealed! Bleach 530 Review
UPDATE: See Bleach 528 Review Ichigo’s Mother Is a Quincy! Confirmed!

[alert type=”red”]WARNING: From this section forward, it contains spoilers and details about Bleach chapter 514. If you haven’t read the chapter please do read it first, otherwise continue reading below.[/alert]
Bleach 514 Review
One again, Ichigo is clueless as to everything what is going around. He just want to fight and fight and fight without really knowing everything. This chapter revealed some shocking revelations.
First, Ichigo was able to unleash Blut Vene, but after reading this chapter I think he unleashed it without realizing that he has Quincy powers or abilities.
Second, Ichigo was able to escape because Kirgie’s power can not imprison another Quincy. Ichigo’s anger awakened his deepest memories, its root and it’s referring to his mother. That’s why he was able to escape at the first place. So this means Ichigo is a cross bread of Quincy, Shinigami and Hallow.
Third, Juha knew Ichigo’s mother (Masaki Kurosaki), and at this point we think that Ichigo’s could be a Quincy.
Fourth, Juha referred to Ichigo as his “son born in darkness“. This is really something big. Does this mean that Ichigo’s real father is Juha and not Isshin?! What the F?!
Bleach 514 Theories
I now have new theories after reading this chapter.
First, Ichigo’s mother could be a Quincy that’s why Ichigo has Quincy blood.
Second, Ichigo’s mother was not really a Quincy (just an ordinary human being), but instead his father was a full blooded Quincy. In this case his father is Juha. Juha might have raped Masaki or they could have been lovers before she met Isshin.
Third, Juha Bach could be Ichigo’s grandfather, and Masaki’s mother…
Things are really becoming crazy. I do not know how does Kubo intended to end Bleach. Perhaps his doing this to keep Bleach fans more interested now that it’s nearing its end.
What do you think guys? What are your thoughts about Ichigo’s real identity.
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