Naruto 605: Hell (Released)

Naruto 605 is just around the corner. I’m not sure if you guys were also shocked that it was Kakashi who killed Rin. All I know is that Kakashi let Rin died and not necessarily that it was Kakashi who killed Rin. Anyway, confirmed Naruto chapter 605 spoiler is not out yet, in the mean time let’s move on to my prediction.


UPDATE: Naruto Chapter 605 is now available. This chapter is entitled “”Hell””. You can begin reading this chapter on popular manga sites online.

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Image credit: Original Artist Masashi Kishimoto, colored by Deviant artist AR-UA

Naruto 605 Spoiler

Naruto 605 spoiler will be posted in this section if ever a real and authentic spoiler or naruto chapter 605 raw scans will come out or leaked by scanlators. It’s hard to find real spoilers nowadays since chapters are being released earlier than expected. I could still remember Naruto manga chapters were supposed to be released during Thursdays, then it’s now sometime around Tuesdays or early Wednesdays.

Naruto 605 Prediction

As we have all read it, Tobi arrived at the scene (thanks to the Zetsu’s body) where Kakashi and Rin were. But a shocking turn of event revealed right before his eyes. Kakashi stabbed Rin and killed her with his own hands!

Wait, I thought Kakashi just “”let Rin died”” and not “”Kakashi killed Rin””?. Something is not accurate. Why on Earth would Kakashi killed Rin? Below are my theories/predictions:

1. It was not the real Kakashi who killed Rin. I guess it was a Zetsu clone, that’s why Tobi was seeing images of Rin from “”Kakashi’s”” point of view. Or perhaps I am wrong, Tobi was seeing it because he and Kakashi has the same Sharingan eyes.
2. The who Kakashi-killed-Rin was just an illusion created by Madara and his Zetsu warriors to get Tobi working for him.
3. I’m sure Kakashi is a good guy and he would not easily kill somebody, specially a team mate, without a valid and heavy reason. So there must be something that Tobi was not able to see before the whole Kakashi-killing-Rin incident.

What do you think guys? Are you convinced that Kakashi did really killed Rin? Was Rin a spy from another village or something? Hit your thoughts below.

I’ll update this post once Naruto 605 spoiler comes out, but I’ll definitely update you once the chapter is released here: Naruto Chapter 605



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